Political Action Committee


When you join WSSRA, you do not automatcially join the WSSR Political Action Commitee (PAC).

​WSSR-PAC is a legally separate organization from the Washington State School Retirees Association (WSSRA) but works closely with the WSSRA Legislative Committee, WSSRA Legislative Director and WSSRA contracted lobbyists. The main difference is that the WSSR-PAC contributes to candidates’ campaigns when
they run for election while the WSSRA Legislative Committee visits the State legislators when they are in session and discusses House and Senate Bills that impact school retirees. Both organizations work for all Washington State school retirees’ benefits now and in the future but in different ways.

If you are interested in more information about the WSSR-PAC visit the website at:

The purpose of the WSSR-PAC website is to raise dollars and to inform all school employees on how they can contribute to the WSSR-PAC. The PAC delivers campaign contributions to candidates that support Washington State school retirees’ retirement and health care benefits including annual cost of living adjustments.
You can also contact our PAC representative: Terry Sloan – 509-670-1626
​Washington State Legislative Hotline: 1-800-562-6000


 The 2023-24 State Budget has benefits for retirees
​The Washington State Legislature passed the budget and ended the legislative session. WSSRA Outcomes:
​Maintains the $183 Medicare Benefit
  • Makes the actuarially recommended pension payment
  • Appropriates $800 million to the TRS 1 unfunded liability, to be paid on June 30, 2023
  • Study to analyze a one-time PEBB open enrollment period for retirees locked out of PEBB insurance
Please contact us if you are interested in being involved in the legislative process.

Ready to become a member of the Washington State School Retirees’ Association and the Chelan-Douglas Unit?

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